Archive by Author

Research a real product, and explain how it is a product of denationalization including the following

Research a real product, and explain how it is a product of denationalization including the following: •How marketing costs are lower and show new market opportunities were created •How it helped income all year round, benefited the local market, and reduced expenses •How it used local technology and the effect it had on other production […]

If your hotel’s market analysis reveals that a substantial number of people are unaware of many of your facilities, what does this tell you and what remedial actions would you take?

If your hotel’s market analysis reveals that a substantial number of people are unaware of many of your facilities, what does this tell you and what remedial actions would you take?

Stress in the workplace

Answer the following questions. 1. Does your company currently have a policy that addresses stress in the workplace? If so, how often is this addressed. If not, should they have a policy? What can you do to help implement this in your company? 2. How would you convince management and your co-workers that managing stress […]

Strategic management

Identify an organization. Review the organization’s competitive advantages and disadvantages, evaluate the company’s performance on the four generic building blocks of competitive advantage, and describe the company’s distinctive competencies. Next describe the varying roles of strategy and luck in developing the firm’s competencies and decide whether their firm’s strategies are building upon distinctive competencies, as […]

assessing and controlling inventory related risk

explain how you would assess and control inventory related risk

Given increased globalization and the demographic shift, what changes in the workplace are likely to occur; explain in terms of the workforce demographics, new challenges, and benefits.

Given increased globalization and the demographic shift, what changes in the workplace are likely to occur; explain in terms of the workforce demographics, new challenges, and benefits. How will these changes impact the way organizations function? How will human resources’ (HR) practices change in staffing, rewards, employee relations, and communication? Within that discussion, point out […]

Organization motivation plan

Imagine that you are the owner of a small manufacturing company. Your company manufactures a commodity, widgets. Your widget is a clone of a nationally known widget. Your company’s widget, WooWoo, is less expensive and more readily available than the nationally known brand. Presently, the sales are high; however, there are many defects, which increase […]


Leaders use power and influence to empower their employees. In Max DePree’s (1987) book, Leadership is an Art, there is an example of how the leaders empowered their employees to make decisions regardless of the consequences. DePree is the chairperson of Herman Miller, Inc., a Michigan-based office furniture maker and the son of the firm’s […]


Analyze the leadership style(s) of a senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO, Director, etc.) in your current or previous organization who made a positive or negative impact on you. Analyze the organizational structure and culture of the company for which you work (or would like to work) to determine its approach to team development, and whether […]


Much of the oral communication that goes on in business is the informal, person-to-person communication that occurs whenever people get together. Analyze and explain how the elements of good talking help us to communicate better?

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