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How can you distinguish between S-R and S-S models of learning experimentally?

How can you distinguish between S-R and S-S models of learning experimentally?

Psychological Disorders Presentation

Create a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes. Summarize how psychological disorders are classified. Include the role of the DSM-IV-TR®. Your presentation must have at least one slide for each of the following major classes of psychological disorders: • Anxiety Disorders • Dissociative Disorders • Somatoform Disorders • Mood Disorders • Schizophrenia […]

Antecedent Behavior Consequence

Note: For each of the examples below, decide if the behavior in question was acquired through operant or classical conditioning. If you decide the behavior is operant, identify the Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence below. If you decide the behavior is respondent, identify the previously Neutral (now Conditioned) Stimulus, the Unconditioned Stimulus, and the Unconditioned ( […]

A child development paper

This paper will consist of a 5 page paper on any topic of your choice that relates to child development. The paper must meet APA guidelines, 12pt and times roman font, and a minimum of 10 scholarly sources cited in paper and bibliography.

chronic depression

Adam’s Older brother has suffered from chronic depression for many years. Unfortunately, Adam has been incorrectly informed by his parents that there is a 40% chance that he will also form depression. Explain how availability heuristic, framing, confirmation bias and belief perseverance might lead Adam to conclude that he will definitely suffer from becoming a […]

Assignment Type: Individual Project Deliverable Length: 2 -3 Pages

You have probably noticed in your educational career that some people are very good at remembering facts and therefore do well at tests that require memorization. Other students, on the other hand, struggle with tests that require memorization. To understand how memory works, this exercise will ask you to trace the memory system – from […]

psychology home work

In which stage would each of the following be? Be sure to answer the questions with full sentences, and justify your position with material from your textbook. 1. A child is asked to describe what a flower looks like. Even without a flower present, the child is able to describe it adequately. But, when the […]

case study:In a small town in Michigan, the unbelievable happened. A 6 year old boy brought a gun to school and shot his first grade classmate in the school library

Read the story below, then find and apply developmental reasons that support the current law upheld. Do not just state your own personal opinions. Use your textbook as the primary resource and be sure to cover all the major areas/domains discussed in the required readings (chapters 8–10). You are not required to do research for […]

What challenges might be present when attempting to an individual who had both a substance abuse and a personality disorder?

What challenges might be present when attempting to an individual who had both a substance abuse and a personality disorder?

Psych 645 Week Two – Psychodynamic Theorist Paper

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing Freud, Erikson, and two other psychoanalytic or neo-psychoanalytic theorists. Answer the following questions in your paper: Why was Freud’s work so influential? How did the analysts that followed Freud dissent from his viewpoint? What links the theorists in the psychoanalytic theory group?   What are three or more psychoanalytic concepts […]

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