CIS8100 Assignment 4
E-commerce Research Report & Prototype Website
Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Word limit Due date
Assignment 4 100 55 5000 ( 10%) 3 June 2016
This assignment must be your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to assignment specification must be done on your own. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor allow others to copy your work. All Assignments will be checked using collusion monitoring tools to ensure that each assignment is the original work of the submitting student. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in USQ Policy Library: Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. Refer to the USQ Policy Library for more details:
• Academic Integrity Policy
• Academic Integrity Procedure
Learning objectives and graduate skills tested
1. demonstrate an understanding of the key drivers and challenges faced by digital enterprises that include technology infrastructure, business processes, social media, consumer behaviour and global markets (Problem solving)
2. demonstrate the ability to research and critically evaluate e-commerce business models to gain an understanding of their business application for transforming digital enterprises (Academic, professional and digital literacy)
3. demonstrate the practical skills required to formulate and evaluate a coherent plan for a digital enterprise, develop a prototype business website based on this plan and document and critically evaluate the end-product (Problem solving).
4. demonstrate the ability to write effectively in a clear and concise manner in report style for senior management (Written and oral communication)
In completing this assignment, you are expected to use available resources such as the Joomla workshop resources and lecture slides in the study modules, the Course Study Desk – especially the Discussion Forums (click the Study Desk link on UConnect
– ), as well as exploring and experimenting on your own.
Referencing Requirements
References are required and the Harvard AGPS standard of referencing must be used. This standard is detailed on USQ Library Site . Plagiarism, collusion and cheating will be severely penalised. Refer to the USQ Policy Library for more details:
• Academic Integrity Policy
• Academic Integrity Procedure
Ensure that your reports are fully referenced, including any reference to the text book. Your report should include in-text references and a List of References.
Do not repeat verbatim large slabs of information from other sources such as the text – you must put the ideas/information in your own words.
You must use at least ten (10) academically sound sources other than the textbook in completing this report.
Assignment 4 Specification
Assignment 4 requires you to research and develop a report to examine contemporary issues in the e-commerce management sector, including further extending your prototype website from Assignment 2 to facilitate e-commerce transactions based on the same online business category as in Assignment 2.
You will be required to extend the development of your prototype website using the Joomla! content management system in Details about setting up your website at is provided in Joomla Workshop 1.
Your research report and prototype website must be related to the online business category assigned to you. Failure to do so will result in your assignments being rejected and no marks will be allocated.
Report: E-commerce Research 70 marks
Report Structure and Presentation 5
Your report should include a title page, Table of Contents (including List of Tables and List of Figures if applicable) and Appendices.
Note: Make sure to state your name and student number in the report on the title page. State the word count of the report (Introduction to Conclusions & Recommendations)
Report Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary and Introduction
(Introduction – approx. 500 words) 5
Your report should include a letter of transmittal, executive summary, and introduction to the report.
Note: Make sure to use the same name for your e-commerce site as reported in Assignment 2.
Report Section 1 – Social E-commerce & Social Marketing (approx. 1000 words) 10
One of the trends that is currently impacting e-commerce is the growing use of social media to sell products and services. This concept is known as social e-commerce. Discuss some strategies that your online business can adopt to facilitate social e-commerce.
Social marketing on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are on the rise. Facebook is the dominant social network in terms of visitors and engagement. What are some of the challenges you see in social marketing campaigns for your online business?
Report Section 2 – Mobile Platform (approx. 1000 words) 10
Lately the use of smartphones has disrupted the personal computing and e-commerce landscape. More than 25% of Facebook visits originate from a mobile device.
As mobile platforms become more widely adopted, they are becoming more useful for accessing sites and apps. What implications do you think the mobile platform has for your online business?
Report Section 3 – E-commerce Security Plan (approx. 1000 words) 10
The e-commerce environment holds threats for both consumers and business owners, such as malicious code, phishing and identity theft, hacking, cybervandalism and data breaches.
There are several measures an online business must undertake for a secure e-commerce environment. Adopting new and tested technologies is one thing but these technologies do not solve the problem themselves. Organisational policies and procedures are required to ensure the technologies are not undermined. Industry standards and legislations are required to enforce payments and commercial transactions.
What are the key activities that you should consider to establish an e-commerce security plan for your online business?
Report Section 4 – E-commerce for B2B Procurement (approx. 1000 words) 10
For this question, let’s assume that your new online business is currently in a B2C model and you are interacting only with your customers for marketing, sales and support.
The supply chain refers to the series of transactions that links your business to your suppliers for purchase, production and logistics of your products and services.
Discuss how you can extend your online business for B2B procurement and how e-commerce technology can support automation in the supply chain?
Report: Conclusions and Recommendations to the Business (approx. 500 words) 5
Your report should include separate conclusions and recommendations sections.
• Conclusions provide a summary of your key findings from the body of the report.
• Recommendations provide a summary of the recommendations to your online business based on the research conducted in the report.
Report: Referencing and Appropriateness of Sources 5
References are required and the Harvard AGPS standard of referencing must be used. This standard is detailed on USQ Library Site .
Ensure that your reports are fully referenced, including any reference to the text book. Your report should include in-text references and a List of References.
Do not repeat verbatim large slabs of information from other sources such as the text – you must put the ideas/information in your own words.
You must use at least ten (10) academically sound sources other than the textbook in completing this report.
Note: the word count does not include letter of transmittal, executive summary, references or appendices.
Report: Appendix 1 Journal 10
Prepare a journal that records your activities and research related to completing this assignment. In date order, clearly list the following:
• Date of research & project activity
• Full description of activity / discussion
• Time duration of the activity
• Web sites visited to collect information; other references accessed (using Harvard AGPS Referencing style – submitted separate to the List of References in the report).
Submit this journal as Appendix 1 in the Report. Any references to web pages and online documents, such as white papers, should be listed at the end of the Journal.
Checklist: Prototype Joomla! Website 30 marks
Ensure you setup your Joomla! website and complete the activities as listed in the checklist document. Your Joomla! Website URL should be accessible for the marker to assess the activities undertaken as per the checklist document.
1. Overall Presentation & Functionality Enhancements (5)
2. Product/ Service Catalogue (5)
3. Shopping Cart/ Enquiry Form (5)
4. Account Registration & Login (5)
5. Checkout/ Order Processing & Payment (5)
6. Discussion Forums/ Blog (5)
Submission Guidelines
Attach the two documents (Report & Checklist document) in Microsoft Word or PDF file format using the naming convention below, to your online assignment submission in the Assignment 4 area on the CIS8100 StudyDesk before midnight Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on the day the assignment is due.
[lastname].[initial] _ [student number] _ [course code] _ assign4.docx or .pdf (eg. shrestha.a_0050051005_cis8100_assign4.docx).
Upon completion of the submission process, check your UMail email account for an automatically generated confirmation email (if you do not have an email account, print out the Submission Complete screen before exiting the Submission System). You must check that the file name and file size are listed correctly – if there is a problem with either, please email the course leader immediately.
If you have difficulties submitting through the StudyDesk Assignments submission tool, email the course leader immediately for instructions on an alternative course of action. Any submissions after the due date is considered Late Submission and will be dealt accordingly.
Please note that:
• The following is the USQ Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) and Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances procedure that relate to Extensions and Late Assignments. They can be found under the following links:
? Assessment – Assignment (Late Submission) Procedure:
? Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures:
• Students seeking extensions for any Assignment work must provide appropriate documentation to support their request before the due date of the assignment (see points 4.3 and 4.4 in the Assessment of Compassionate and Compelling Circumstances Procedures above to see what is considered as Compassionate and Compelling reason for an extension and the level of documentation that will be needed).
• An Assignment submitted after the due date without an approved extension of time will be penalised. The penalty for late submission is a reduction by five percent (5%) of the maximum Mark applicable for the Assignment, for each University Business Day or part Business Day that the Assignment is late. An Assignment submitted more than ten (10) University Business Days after the due date will have a Mark of zero recorded for that Assignment.
? The StudyDesk Assignments submission tool will accept late assignments up until 23:55pm on the 10th University Business Day after the due date.
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