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Assignment 2: Cloud Solutions

Cloud-based computing allows businesses to store and access large amounts of data over the Internet rather than on in-house computer hard drives. There are several cloud-based data solutions currently available in the marketplace.

Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research the latest cloud-based data solutions in the marketplace today. Select at least 2 scholarly sources for use in this assignment.

Assume you are evaluating vendors providing cloud-based solutions for your current organization or a hypothetical organization. Complete the following:

  • Identify three potential vendors.
  • Compare and contrast the three different vendors. Be sure to consider the services, data solutions, and security features they provide.
  • Based on your analysis, provide a recommendation about which provider or solution you think would work best.
  • Provide a justification explaining why it would be the best product for your selected business to use (using your current organization or a hypothetical organization). Support your recommendation with up-to-date knowledge of business practices and technology use. Be sure to provide a little background about the organization to help justify your recommendation.

Utilize at least 2 scholarly sources in support of your assertions.

Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Write a 3–4-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.

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