Subject: Philosophy
Study Level:College
Page Count: 5
Number of sources:1
Deadline: 18th, 6 pm
Topic:ARCHETYPES OF WISDOM 8th Edition Douglas Soccio
Order Number:70098
Details:Access the Discussion Board through the menu to complete this assignment. Respond thoughtfully to five (5) questions from the Post-Reading Reflections questions in Chapter 9, and five (5) Post-Reading Reflections questions in Chapter 10. Use the link above to turn in your responses. Access the Discussion Board through the menu to complete this assignment. Take a moment to reflect on what you have learned in this course so far. Answer one of these two questions: What philosopher or philosophy studied so far in this book has caused a fundamental change in your thinking/personal philosophy and why? What philosopher or philosophy studied so far has confirmed or supported your current thinking or personal philosophy and why? (i.e., your thinking has basically remained unchanged, and you have found that you already agree with one of the philosophers studied. Possibly, you perhaps have found that one of the philosophers studied has strengthened certain beliefs you already held.) Make sure you write enough to support your statement, i.e. comparing your philosophy to the “correct” philosopher, giving examples, etc. Minimum 100 words.
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