Study Level:Bachelor
Page Count:12
Number of sources:4
Topic:Arab Spring: Egypt
Order Number:5394
Details: please respond to one of the following questions. Your answer should be essay format, using citations to the readings (not other sources). Use internal citations (Author last name, year, page number). You do not need a works cited page. Proofread your essay. Grammatical mistakes will lower your grade. Your essay should be 12 pages, double-spaced, 12pt font, times new roman (or comparable font). Please staple it!You will lose points this time if you do not respect these rules…..here is the question to answer: 1) Was the Arab Spring a democratization movement in Egypt? Consider not just the initial moment of protest, but the evolution of the process and the demands of the protesters. Make an argument, based on the readings. Be sure to at least briefly consider alternative arguments. Please DO NOT look at external sources to answer the questions. Please just use the sources I email you. In addition, please reference those sources in in-text citations. I just submitted an order online topic Arab Spring: Egypt. For this short paper, there CANNOT be outside sources used…here are the four sources that need to be used. Thank you very much. The sources are attached. Also please reference them with in-text citations.
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