Assignment specifics You are part of a behavioral consulting team providing consultation to local service agencies in your area.
Choose one of the following scenarios and write a comprehensive plan for program design and evaluation You are being asked to apply what you have learned about how Evidence-Based Program Planning applies to organization-wide behavioral interventions.
Just Like Home nursing home wants to assess the possible need for a new behavior management program to prevent Alzheimer’s patients from wandering unsupervised and endangering themselves.
VHab vocational training program for developmentally disabled adults wants to assess the possible need for a new program to train clients as potential volunteers for various community services.
Stars ABA program, providing clinic-based ABA interventions for children with autism, wants to assess the possible need for a staff training program to increase the use of reinforcers delivered to children for appropriate behaviors during therapy sessions.
Kap County Department of Health and Human Services wants to assess the need for a program to teach basic parenting and safety skills to parents whose children have been identified as “at-risk” for abuse or neglect.
Separate your plan into sections related to each step of the program design and evaluation process:
Problem Analysis
Needs Assessment
Developing Strategies and Objectives (*note that you should include at least 2 recommendations for intervention strategies that are evidence-based and you should write at least 2 clear objectives for each intervention strategy you recommend)
Program Design
Performance Measurement and Monitoring (*note that you should identify 1 data requirement for each objective you identified and explain how you would use the information you gather)
Performance Evaluation (*note that you should explain how you would apply the data you gather to make program decisions)
Identify the tools and actions needed to complete each step of the program design and evaluation process.
Apply the tools and actions you identified to complete each step of designing and evaluating a program for your chosen scenario.
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