Analyzing a Speech from a Presidential Candidate by detecting fallacy
Please read and understood all 44 “Dirty Tricks”, explaining on pages 19-37 of “The Thinker’s Guide to Fallacies”. Then read the speech “We Will Finish the Work of the Fallen” by George W. Bush in 2004 on page 45. Detect 5 logical fallacies or “foul ways to win an argument” in the speech and list them in the following format:
1. Label the fallacy in boldface or underlined.
2. Describe the fallacy in your own words (not copied from the book).
3. Explain where in the speech you have detected this fallacy.
4. Explain why that part in the speech is illogical.
This assignment should have a minimum of 500 words (100 words per fallacy). Proofread and revise your completed assignment before submission.
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