An argumentative research essay exploring the “Role of Monsters” and I have chosen to talk about Jeffery Dahmer. The paper should be organized around a thesis statement that specifically addresses the role of monsters in terms of cultural influence or impact. Broad topics for this assignment include those we’ve discussed in class, such as gender roles, or perhaps the problem of power, or leadership, or communal relations, or individuality, and so on. With a topic chosen that provides an interpretive context, you would then use that context as a lens to focus your analysis and direct your research, interrogating how the monster reveals, troubles, complicates, or reinforces a specific idea. In other words, make explicit the implicit message this monster has about your subject or theme (which you will uncover through analysis).
– Length: 6-10 pages, 1900-3000 words
– For this paper, you will need to use at least five (5) critical sources relevant to your topic. While doing research, keep track as to whether the source is a journal article, book article, book chapter, or web source.
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