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Alcohol Regulation: Does It Work?

Review and comment on at least one peer’s response that is different from yours. In your response, ask a question, provide a statement of clarification, provide a point of view with rationale, challenge a point of discussion, or draw a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.

Use the Respond link to post responses and materials that pertain to this assignment. Use the Respond link beneath any existing postings to respond to them.


Assignment 1: Alcohol Regulation: Does It Work?

Alcohol has been used for many centuries and early forms of mead date back to at least 8000 BC. Throughout time, alcohol has had many purposes, including disinfection, religious rituals, and medical treatments. Today, alcohol is the most widely used drug in the world.

Review the history of alcohol legislation presented in your readings for Module 1.

Answer the following:

  • What are the pros and cons of making alcohol illegal today?
  • What other option can you suggest to regulate alcohol consumption apart from legislation?

Give reasons for your response citing research.

Write your initial response in 150–200 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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