Describe a time when you experienced a significant change in your life (preferably at your current place of work). Be sure to explain the following:
- What were the reasons for the change?
- How were the players manipulated, involved in, and/or affected by this change?
- What (if any) were the leadership strategies/theories used to assist with the change? If none were used, what might have been applied as a means of smoothing the transition?
- How long did the complete transition take and why?
- What were the positive and negative results of this change?
Then, review the attached document titled “Survival Guide for Basic Mistakes” and describe three basic mistakes made by you, a supervisor, a coworker, or a combination of the three during the described time of change. Offer suggestions from the survival guide as well as theory from the Northouse text for how the change might have gone more smoothly.
This assignment should be 5 pages in length and include a cover page and a reference page. Use APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. At least two additional sources beyond the textbook should be used.
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