-Consideration of a proposal to create a political party that shall run candidates advocating the immediate abolition of slavery throughout these States.
-Consideration of a proposal that we support a movement sponsored by one Henry David Thoreau to cease paying our taxes to this Government of Slave Owners, even if we must go to jail as a consequence.
-Consideration of proposal that our organization fight for the emancipation of the enslaved – Negro and Women – with equal vigor and immediacy.
-Consideration of a proposal that the Northern free states secede from the Union because the U.S. Constitution has been from its inception a pro-slavery document.
-Consideration of a proposal sent to us in secret by a free Negro who is currently planning to seize a federal arsenal in an unspecified border state by armed force. His intentions are to create a general slave uprising within that state which will free that state. He wishes to know if we will: A)Send him money to aid his cause. B) Send him men among you ready to fight.
After consideration of these proposals and a vote on the same, the meeting shall be adjourned.
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