Question 1
“I am the greatest!” a famous boxer declared loudly and often. Had he in fact acted throughout his adult life as though he were the greatest, the most appropriate personality disorder diagnosis would be:
Answer A. histrionic.
- antisocial.
- narcissistic.
- impulse-control.
.1 points
Question 2
“That’s it!” says your friend, the psychotherapist. “I can’t work with that client. As soon as I show any empathy at all, it becomes almost impossible to challenge the client, and the client keeps calling me at all hours of the day.” Most likely, this is a client with:
Answer A. antisocial personality disorder.
- obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
- borderline personality disorder.
- schizotypal personality disorder.
.1 points
Question 3
A client is initially very resistant to therapy, cannot acknowledge weaknesses, and ignores feedback. Most likely, the client is experiencing:
Answer A. narcissistic personality disorder, and will make a great deal of progress in therapy.
- schizoid personality disorder, and will not make much progress in therapy.
- schizoid personality disorder, and will make a great deal of progress in therapy.
- narcissistic personality disorder, and will not make much progress in therapy.
.1 points
Question 4
An individual diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder reports having a great deal of difficulty figuring out how others feel, and as a child had difficulty developing adequate language skills. These findings would make the most sense to a theorist with which background?
Answer A. cognitive
- sociocultural
- biological
- psychodynamic
.1 points
Question 5
According to DSM-IV-TR, a personality disorder must “deviate markedly from the expectations of a person’s culture.” This implies that different cultures may not see some behaviors as symptoms of personality disorders. What does the research in this area show?
Answer A. A great deal of research has been done, and almost all the research shows differing cultural expectations.
- A great deal of research has been done, and some research shows differing cultural expectations.
- There has been little research done, and so far none of the research shows differing cultural expectations.
- There has been little research done, but some research shows differing cultural expectations.
.1 points
Question 6
A high school student asks a guidance counselor, parents, and friends for suggestions before deciding on a college to attend, and on an academic major. This student’s behavior is:
Answer A. normal for those in high school.
- reflective of an anxiety disorder, not of dependent personality disorder.
- typical of those who will develop dependent personality disorder.
- typical of those with dependent personality disorder.
.1 points
Question 7
Group therapy is particularly useful in the treatment of avoidant personality disorder primarily because group therapy:
Answer A. involves an eclectic combination of theoretical approaches.
- allows those in the group to see that others have avoidant personality disorder, too.
- requires attendance at therapy sessions.
- provides practice in social interactions.
.1 points
Question 8
Digressive and vague language with loose associations accompanied by attention and concentration problems are characteristic of:
Answer A. schizoid personality disorder.
- paranoid personality disorder.
- avoidant personality disorder.
- schizotypal personality disorder.
.1 points
Question 9
Behavioral and cognitive theorists propose that people who develop narcissistic personality disorder may have been treated:
Answer A. too positively in early life.
- too negatively in early life.
- either too positively or too negatively in early life.
- ambiguously and neglectfully in early life.
.1 points
Question 10
An individual with a diagnosed personality disorder is jealous and sensitive, as well as extremely self-critical. This person’s diagnosis is likely to be which of the following personality disorders?
Answer A. histrionic
- antisocial
- borderline
- narcissistic
.1 points
Question 11
The consistencies of one’s personality are called:
Answer A. inherited characteristics.
- learned responses.
- personality traits.
- personality typologies.
.1 points
Question 12
Sarah respects none of society’s boundaries and is insensitive to other people, frequently violating their rights. She does not consider the consequences of her actions. She experiences:
Answer A. histrionic personality disorder.
- schizotypal personality disorder.
- antisocial personality disorder.
- schizoid personality disorder.
.1 points
Question 13
In the United States, most teenagers have cell phones and text. Which of the following MOST accurately describes adult usage?
Answer A. Most have cell phones, and most of them text.
- Most do not have cell phones, so most do not text.
- Most have cell phones, but most of them do not text.
- About half have cell phones, but most of them do not text.
.1 points
Question 14
When Selina sees a report of a train wreck on television, she thinks that it is a sign that she should not take the train to work the next day. She takes the bus instead. If she has a diagnosable personality disorder, it is most likely:
Answer A. schizoid personality disorder.
- schizotypal personality disorder.
- paranoid personality disorder.
- avoidant personality disorder.
.1 points
Question 15
The type of therapy that generally provides the least help for those with schizoid personality disorder is:
Answer A. behavioral.
- cognitive.
- drug.
- None of the other alternatives provide help for those with schizoid personality disorder.
.1 points
Question 16
The personality disorders that generally are most responsive to psychotherapy are:
Answer A. “anxious”
- “dramatic”
- “odd”
- All of these alternatives are about equally responsive to psychotherapy.
.1 points
Question 17
The enduring pattern of inner experiences and outward behavior that is unique to each individual is termed:
Answer A. character.
- individuality.
- personality.
- a trait.
.1 points
Question 18
You might suspect an “era of narcissism” is approaching for a country when:
Answer A. the sale of “inspirational” DVDs, books, and tapes suddenly increases.
- there is increasing emphasis on self-expression and competitiveness.
- preferences in women’s and men’s clothing undergo substantial shifts.
- there is a decline in materialism and individualism.
.1 points
Question 19
Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding antisocial personality disorder?
Answer A. Most who have it are not treated, but most who are treated are helped substantially.
- Most who have it are treated, but most who are treated are not helped much.
- Most who have it are treated, and most who are treated are helped substantially.
- Most who have it are not treated, and most who are treated are not helped much.
.1 points
Question 20
Which category of personality disorder contains the disorders MOST commonly diagnosed?
Answer A. “anxious”
- There are no clear differences among the categories in terms of frequency of diagnosis.
- “dramatic”
- “odd”
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