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Gender Sociology

In what ways do you “do gender appropriately”? (make sure you reference parts of the chapters where gender role socialization and male/female gender behavior expectations are discussed). In what ways do you violate traditional gender norms? Discuss how t…

If a matchmaker was going to arrange a marriage for you based on the the social norms associated with partnering in the US (including rules of endogamy/exogamy), who would likely be selected for you (gender, sexual orientation, race, socioeconomic status, etc)? (remember this question is NOT asking you what the characteristics are of a person you would select for yourself, but speaks to the social norms that we tend to follow by being socialized in the US). How would this person be similar to and different from who you think you would choose for yourself? Make sure to take into account social norms for partnering in terms of gender, race, socioeconomic status, rules of endogamy/exogamy, etc.

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