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Health and Illness in Your Community

Health and Illness in Your Community

Evaluate your perception of health and illness in the community in which you work/live. Include an experiential experience of how you either observed or where involved in a stereotyping experience and how this impacted the health care of the patient, family or community.



  1. Review Chapter 4.3 – 4.3C Health of Vulnerable Populations pg 77-83 regarding groups include: ethnic, religious, racial, tribal minorities, immigrants, refugees and internally displaced people, prisoners, persons with mental illnesses, physical impairments and older persons.
  2. Write a 2-3 page paper, excluding the abstract
    • Describe a specific situation where you were involved or observed  health care inequalities for one the vulnerable populations identified on page 77 of your textbook
    • Describe the inequity that was avoidable, unfair or unjust.
  3. Use APA style:  Abstract (blocked comprehensive) running head, title page, citations, reference page).
  4. Use standard English grammar and spelling.
  5. Must use a minimum of 2 references from the module.
  6. Copy/save your results and upload the file by clicking “Browse My Computer” for Attach file.
  7. View grading rubric.

  • Your paper should be a WORD document.
  • Your paper should be 2-3  pages long excluding the abstract title page and reference page; in other words, the body of your paper paper should be 2 to 3 pages.
  • Your paper should be organized as follows:
    • Title page:  Health and Illness in Your Community
    • Abstract
    • Introduction:  One paragraph (minimum of 4 to 5 sentences)
    • Describe a specific situation where you were involved or observed  health care inequalities for one the vulnerable populations identified on page 77 of your textbook
    • Describe the inequity that was avoidable, unfair or unjust.
    • Summary and Conclusion (minimum of one paragraph of 4 to 5 sentences)
  • Use APA style:  Abstract (blocked comprehensive) running head, title page, citations, reference page).
  • Use standard English grammar and spelling.
  • Must include references from the module
    • be sure to include the textbook and citations.
    • interviews can be used for information.
    • cite in the paper

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