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financial management case

The first part of your project will require you to choose a financial management case. Review the provided cases related to healthcare and financial management, and choose a specific case. The case you choose you will use throughout the course to complete your project assignments. Submit a minimum 2-page report that: Identifies the topic and case you have chosen. Describes the financial issues outlined in your case. Describe perspectives of the financial challenges. Briefly discusses its relevance specifically to financial management in a healthcare organization. You will need to use a minimum of (3) scholarly/academic sources for your research. You will need to incorporate the sources into the content and use a minimum of (1) in-text citation per source. Examples of scholarly sources include academic journals, peer-reviewed articles, and case studies. The references should specifically address related financial challenges outlined in your case and/or offer additional perspectives. Academic scholarly journals can be access through the Rasmussen Online Library. You can explore Article by Subject (Health Care or Business), to start your search. Include an APA formatted reference page to document your sources.

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