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crime prevention program

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word essay describing a local crime prevention program. Include the following in your essay: The name of the crime prevention program. A description of the components of the program, including the length of time to complete the program, who the participants are, who teaches the program, in what setting it is taught, the topics taught, and so on. A description of the philosophy and goals of the program, including the purpose of the program and what it attempts to achieve. A description of the strengths and weaknesses of the program, or what is good about it and what is bad about it? A description of any ethical issues involved with the program, including whether it is ethical to provide the program information to the specific participants of the program, whether the material is age-sensitive, or whether the particular teacher is the appropriate person to be teaching the material. A description of the effectiveness of the program, including whether and how well it works. Include examples to support your discussion.

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