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3. Team Management Paper (e.g., Case Analysis) – Links with Course Objectives 1, 2, 3, and 4 The purposes of the team case analyses are to a) develop your critical thinking skills, b) develop your problem solving and decision making abilities, and c) to learn to work in a team environment to produce a product. Preparing a team case analysis also provides you with an opportunity to develop your writing effectiveness. Statement on Team/Group Work: A major requirement for this course will be met through team/group work; UMUC encourages group work since so many organizations use teams both face-to-face and virtually. This course design is purposeful, so that students may take advantage of the knowledge, skills, abilities and work experiences (intellectual capital) each student brings to this course. All persons are expected to participate fully and contribute to the goals and outcomes of the group. In the event an individual is not meeting the expectations of the group, it will be up to the group to seek modification of that person’s performance. If group intervention is not successful, the group should contact the faculty person so that the issues can quickly be resolved. The team managerial case analysis is designed to accomplish two goals. First, the case will cover an important area of management problem solving, such as human resources management, strategic marketing, and finance, and resident centered care. The case reflects both internal and external organizational factors that are necessary to understand and respond to if you are to be a successful manager. Second, the case represents management analysis in a specific type of long term care organization, such as a nursing home, home care agency, hospice, or assisted living facility. Different teams will address different management issues and long term care organizational settings which adds breadth to the case study experience. The cases to be used in this class include the following: Class session 8 – “A Tale of Two Nursing Home Administrators”, page 140-142, Sweeney-Feld and Oetjen textbook. The case study questions that you must respond to are found on page 142. Class session 9 – “Fox Meadows Assisted Living”, page 177-178, Sweeney-Feld and Oetjen textbook. The case study questions that you must respond to are found on page 178. Class session 10 – “The Opening of Bright Horizons”. The case study is available in the course content section of the classroom. The questions you that you must respond to are found at the end of the case. Class session 11 – “Cultural Competency Counts Galtier Health Center”, page 116-117, Sweeney-Feld and Oetjen textbook. The case study questions that you must respond to are found on page 117. These cases are designed to allow you to apply the management principles discussed in the course readings. By the end of the third week, you will be asked to submit your preferences for the cases outlined in the syllabus to the instructor. Be sure to select your preferences only among the cases listed in the syllabus. You will be asked to prioritize your preferences; try to include at least three preferences. Requests will be submitted via a no more than one screen (page) due electronically to the instructor by posting the requests in the class conference set up for this communication. The instructor will use this information to assign each student to a single case study team. Please note that every attempt will be made to accommodate your interests in this class. Depending on class enrollment, approximately 5 students are expected to be assigned to each team. However, since all cases must be covered, the instructor may need to assign students to teams that are not on their list of preferences. Also, failure to post your preferences by the due date will result in the instructor assigning you a case assignment. The instructor’s decision on assignment of teams is final. The review of each team case should not exceed 12 double spaced pages, not including your APA cover page and a reference page. All type must be Times Roman 12 point pica. Use the APA style for citing all sources. All team case analyses must be posted in the conference section according to the dates and times identified in the syllabus. The due dates are important because the instructor wants the cases posted to enable sufficient time for discussion and dialog in the conference session associated with that topic. This will allow students the time necessary to review the team’s case study before responding in the scheduled conference. The goal is to provide a case analysis that other students in the class can compare and contrast the different approaches to the case review in preparation for the conference session that follows. You also will post the team case analysis in your own assignment folder for grading. Credit for team work and participation will be based solely on postings in the Team Study Group. These study groups will be created a few days after the instructor assigns students to each team. The team management paper (e.g., case analysis) accounts for 25 points, or 25 percent of your grade.

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