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Saint HCM540 midterm exam

Question 1. 1. “A foundation in the principles of ethics is essential to successful practice in any healthcare setting.” Using the principles described in Chapter Two, give examples of four reasons why this statement is true. (Points : 25) Question 2. 2. There are ethics issues that occur even before a person is born. Using the content of Chapters Three, Four, Five, and Six, select which issues affect moral status before birth and what the ethical concerns are for healthcare practitioners. (Points : 25) Question 3. 3. In Chapter One, you studied the key features of several theories of ethics. You will use these theories in your practice as a healthcare professional. Choose two theories from those that you studied. For each theory, discuss at least three reasons why they will be useful to you. (Points : 25) Question 4. 4. Aging is not for the faint of heart. There are many issues related to care needs and options, access, and the view of the patient or resident versus that of the practitioner. Given what you learned in Chapters Eight and Nine, choose two issues that you think are most important to patients or residents as they age and answer the following: What principles of ethics relate to these issues? (Points : 25)

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