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devry him435 week 6 discissions

Week 6 discnn Clinical Databases (graded) We identified in the lecture the various clinical databases required by the federal government. What is the purpose of requiring these databases? What makes the information being collected important? 2 Management of Databases and Indices (graded) Data have been collected upon completion of the surgical informed consent form. More than 200 records have been reviewed for the presence of the following data items on the consent form: date and time the consent was completed and explained to the patient, the type of surgery performed, risks or possible complications of surgery, the patient’s signature, the date and time of signing, the physician or surgeon’s signature, the date and time of signing, the witness’ or nurse’s signature, and the date and time of signing. In order to set up a database with the information obtained, what column heads do you create, and how do you document the presence or absence of a data item on the consent form?

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