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saint leo HCM550 all assignments + midterm +term project

Leadership competencies are among the many important topics discussed in the chapters read in this module. Clickherefor a list of 20 leadership and management skill areas. For this assignment, please write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing the following prompts: Part 1(approximately 875-1,000 words) • Select and assess three of these 20 skill areas in which you are strong and high-performing • Select and assess three of these 20 skill areas in which you would like to improve and further develop professionally Part 2(approximately 875-1,000 words) • Applying the list of 20 management and leadership skill areas, evaluate the roles that organizational leaders you know have played (positively and negatively) in influencing organizational culture, performance, and change Assignment 2 Please write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing the questions on the next page. In this paper, please integrate information and insights from (a) the focal organization, (b) the textbook, (c) at least three scholarly publications, and (d) at least one other professional website in order to inform your analysis and recommendations. Considering either (a) the organization where you work now or (b) an organization where you worked in the past: • How were the departments or other work units structured? • How well did departments collaborate to perform the work of the organization? • In what ways did the organization function smoothly and efficiently? • In what areas did the organization have problems in coordination and communication? What was causing these coordination and communication issues? How did these problems impact organizational performance? • What are your specific recommendations for organization design and coordination of work in order to improve the coordination and communication issues? Assignment 3 “The ‘stakeholder’ is one of the most important concepts in health care. Effective leaders know their stakeholders, paying close attention to the barriers that distort communication… Health care organizations are located in especially complex stakeholder environments. Take, for example, a large academic hospital. It can easily have more than two dozen stakeholders, as illustrated by Figure 6.5. Each stakeholder group has interests that predispose it to support or contest the hospital’s initiative” (Moussa, Chapter 5, p. 173). Please write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing the following scenario: You are a senior executive at a community hospital that is considering hiring a hospitalist physician. What stakeholders would you include in a stakeholder analysis to evaluate adoption of a hospitalist model of care? • For this paper, please perform a stakeholder analysis that: – Assesses stakeholder interests and “stakes” – Develops strategies for effective communication, gaining support, and reducing obstacles/opposition. Midterm exam During this module, you will take the Midterm Exam. The Midterm Exam is an applied case study scenario where you are the executive director of a long-term care facility that has that has decided to pursue Joint Commission accreditation. In the Midterm case study scenario, you will draw on, apply, and cite the first seven chapters of the course textbook to write an Action Plan for preparing the long-term care facility for the accreditation site visit. The length of the Action Plan should be approximately 2,400 words (excluding the list of cited references at the end). You will also apply and cite at least five additional references above and beyond the textbook. Assignment 5 Please write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing the following scenario: Write an action plan for improving adherence with hand hygiene policies and procedures at a hospital, physician practice, or long-term care facility in order to prevent infections and decrease infection rates. In this paper, please integrate information and insights from (a) the textbook, (b) at least three scholarly publications, (c) at least one other professional website, and (d) the Saint Leo University core value of excellence in order to inform your analysis and recommendations. Assignment 6 For this assignment read the Case Study presented on pages 342-343 of the textbook. Write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing the following questions: • What do you think are the possible major tensions that exist when a pharmaceutical firm forms an alliance with a biotechnology firm? • How would you try to address those tensions? • Identify different challenges that exist for maintaining or strengthening an ongoing alliance versus beginning a new relationship. Assignment 7 For the Module 7 Written Assignment, please (a) select up to three provisions contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and (b) write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing organizational preparation and strategic response to these provisions in the health reform law. Assignment 8 Write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing the following questions: • How has globalization impacted health care in the United States? • In what ways and why are patients, workers, management practices, and health policies flowing across international borders? Term project The Term Project is an applied and integrative case study scenario whereyou are aconsultanthired toadviseSaintLeoUniversityHospitalleadership on the development of a Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan. Congratulations! You have been hired as a consultant to advise Saint Leo University Hospital leadership on the development of a Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan. Saint Leo University Hospital is currently under construction and will celebrate its grand opening twelve months from the beginning of this course. Among the many projects to be completed before the hospital welcomes its first patients is writing the Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan. For this consultancy, select one of the following public health emergencies as the basis for formulating insights and recommendations to Saint Leo University Hospital leadership for its new Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan. · Option 1: Hurricane · Option 2: Toxic chemical emergency · Option 3: Infectious disease outbreak (e.g., influenza pandemic) · Option 4: Earthquake The module-by-module instructions for the term project are as follows: Module 1 · Step 1A: Review hospital disaster preparedness and response plans that you retrieve from the internet. Select and save 6-8 of the most applicable and comprehensive plans to serve as references in this term project. A sample keyword search using Google is: hospital “disaster preparedness and response plan” filetype:pdf · Step 1B: Write approximately 750 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually-authored wordsexplaining how application of concepts in the Module 1 textbook chapters (e.g., complex systems thinking, organization theory and behavior, leadership theories and roles) informs the development, adoption, and eventual execution of Saint LeoUniversity Hospital’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for the selected public health emergency. Apply and cite at least three references (e.g., disaster plans, scholarly articles) above and beyond the textbook. Module 2 · Step 2A: Write approximately 750 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually-authored wordsexplaining how application of concepts in the Module 2 textbook chapters (e.g., organization design and coordination, motivation) informs the development, adoption, and eventual execution of Saint Leo University Hospital’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for the selected public health emergency. Apply and cite at least three references (e.g., disaster plans, scholarly articles) above and beyond the textbook. Module 3 · Step 3A: Write approximately 750 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually-authored wordsexplaining how application of concepts in the Module 3 textbook chapters (e.g., work teams, communication) informs the development, adoption, and eventual execution of Saint Leo University Hospital’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for the selected public health emergency. Apply and cite at least three references (e.g., disaster plans, scholarly articles) above and beyond the textbook. · Step 3B: Begin combining the Module 1-3 term project components into an integrated, well-structured, and carefully edited document. · Step 3C: Submit your Module 1-3 term project components to your instructor for feedback and suggestions. Module 4 · Step 4A: Write approximately 750 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually-authored wordsexplaining how application of concepts in the Module 4 textbook chapters (e.g., power, politics, conflict management) informs the development, adoption, and eventual execution of Saint Leo University Hospital’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for the selected public health emergency. Apply and cite at least three references (e.g., disaster plans, scholarly articles) above and beyond the textbook. · Step 4B: Continue combining the Module 1-4 term project components into an integrated, well-structured, and carefully edited document. Module 5 · Step 5A: Write approximately 750 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually-authored wordsexplaining how application of concepts in the Module 5 textbook chapters (e.g., organizational complexity, organizational learning and innovation, quality improvement) informs the development, adoption, and eventual execution of Saint LeoUniversity Hospital’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for the selected public health emergency. Apply and cite at least three references (e.g., disaster plans, scholarly articles) above and beyond the textbook. · Step 5B: Continue combining the Module 1-5 term project components into an integrated, well-structured, and carefully edited document. Module 6 · Step 6A: Write approximately 750 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually-authored wordsexplaining how application of concepts in the Module 6 textbook chapters (e.g., strategic management, interorganizational collaboration, organizational values/mission/vision) informs the development, adoption, and eventual execution of Saint LeoUniversity Hospital’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for the selected public health emergency. Apply and cite at least three references (e.g., disaster plans, scholarly articles) above and beyond the textbook. · Step 6B: Continue combining the Module 1-6 term project components into an integrated, well-structured, and carefully edited document. Module 7 · Step 7A: Write approximately 750 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually-authored wordsexplaining how application of concepts in the Module 7 textbook chapters (e.g., health policy and regulation, health information systems) informs the development, adoption, and eventual execution of Saint Leo University Hospital’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for the selected public health emergency. Apply and cite at least three references (e.g., disaster plans, scholarly articles) above and beyond the textbook. · Step 7B: Continue combining the Module 1-7 term project components into an integrated, well-structured, and carefully edited document. Module 8 · Step 8A: Write approximately 750 focused, clear, concise, convincing, well-structured, and individually-authored wordsexplaining how application of concepts in the Module 8 textbook chapters (e.g., personal responsibility, health information privacy, ethics, international collaboration) informs the development, adoption, and eventual execution of Saint Leo UniversityHospital’s Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan for the selected public health emergency. Apply and cite at least three references (e.g., disaster plans, scholarly articles) above and beyond the textbook. · Step 8B: Continue combining the Module 1-8 term project components into an integrated, well-structured, and carefully edited document.

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