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Global Climate and Terrestrial Biomes in the lab manual.

Directions: Complete Global Climate and Terrestrial Biomes in the lab manual. Scan all the completed pages and submit them as one file as directed below.


Submission: To submit your file, choose the link titled, Lab Report 17: Global Climate and Terrestrial Biomes, above. Use the “Browse My Computer” button in the Attach File area to attach your document. Be sure to complete your submission by choosing the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen.


Grading: This lab report is worth 45 points. Your grade is determined by dividing the number of boxes (each box representing a question) within your lab manual entry that were correct by the total number of boxes within the lab and multiplying by 45 to determine the points you have earned. Please only submit neat work. If your instructor cannot read your entry to grade, this will result in 0 points earned for this assignment

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