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Process Safety Management VI

1) Explain the purpose of confined space entry permits. In your response, include a discussion of how spaces are designated as permit-required, two examples of permit-required spaces that might be found in the process safety industry, and how spaces are certified safe for entry.

Your essay response must be a minimum of 200 words in length, not counting references listed at the end or repeating of the question. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations, and cited per APA guidelines




2) Explain the purpose of lockout/tagout permits. In your response, include at three examples that might be found in the process safety industry, and who should be involved in the lockout/tagout permit process.

Your essay response must be a minimum of 200 words in length, not counting references listed at the end or repeating of the question. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations, and cited per APA guidelines.

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