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Discussion Questions

D.3.”Agents of Socialization, Economics, Cultural, and Social Capital”

Please respond to one (1) of the following:

Go to TED’s Website and watch the first two (2) minutes of the video titled, “How technology allowed me to read,” (15 min 44 s) located at Examine one (1) of the six (6) agents of socialization (family, school, peer groups, work, religion, and technology and mass media). Describe the agent of sociology that has changed the most during your lifetime and discuss the importance of this change.

Select one (1) of the following terms: structuralism, economic capital, and social capital, and provide one (1) example of the term using your personal experience, from your family or work environment.

D.4. “Deviance and Social Class”

Please respond to one (1) of the following:

Sociologists explain deviance by three (3) major perspectives: biological, functional conflict, and symbolic interaction. Identify your role, for example, as a parent and which perspective best reflects your personal experience. Discuss the main reasons why this perspective is relevant.

Review Figure 7.1: “Class in the United States” on page 158 of the textbook, in particular, the typical incomes. Speculate on the typical per capita income for your area. Next, go to the United States Census Bureau’s Website, located at, to determine the actual per capita for your county or region. Compare your perception of your area’s per capita and the actual per capita for your area. If you were close, provide a rationale for your speculation. If there was a major discrepancy between your speculation and the actual per capita, suggest a reason for the discrepancy.

D.5. “Race, Ethnicity, Sex, and Gender”

Please respond to one (1) of the following:

Describe the effects that the statistical information on a specific race or ethnicity in the areas of health, crime, employment, or education may have in terms of being a predictor of behavior. Provide your opinion on the most likely effects these statistics will have on an individual.

Select one (1) of the following terms: liberal feminism, socialist feminism, radical feminism, patriarchy, and multicultural feminism, and define it in your words. Describe the manner in which this term relates to you.

D.6. “Families and Education”

Please respond to one (1) of the following:The definition of marriage has changed over the past years. Review Figure 10.4 on page 249 of the textbook. Identify your state’s status on same-sex marriage.Explain which sociological concept best supports the changing attitude towards same sex marriage (depicted in Figure 10.5 on page 249 of the textbook).


According to a study conducted by Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2011 (page 266 of the textbook), the increasing high school drop-out rate is an issue for parents, educators, and the community. Use the Internet to research and identify the high school drop-out rate for your city. Discuss two (2) of the possible effects that your city’s high school drop-out rate may have on the community. Provide a rationale for your response.

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