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developing a plan to improve customer relationships and increase satisfaction.

You are a marketing manager for a local company and you are developing a plan to improve customer relationships and increase satisfaction.

Select one of the following types of local companies:

  • Florist
  • Veterinarian
  • Health/Natural Food Store
  • Accounting/Tax Preparation

Create a 2,100-word Customer Satisfaction Plan in which you include the following:

  • Explain how each type of business might segment the local market based on consumer/business demographic information, behaviors, psychographics (attitudes, interests, and lifestyle), geography, and/or product or service benefits. Support your explanation with documented facts and statistics.
  • Develop a strategy for attracting the target audience to the selected business and explain your reasoning using marketing principles and sound marketing concepts. As part of this strategy, select one of the segments you identified as the main target audience for that business.
  • Develop a strategy for building long-term relationships and strong customer loyalty between the selected business and the target audience using Customer Relationship Management (CRM), personal communications/direct marketing, social media, events, publicity, and/or frequency marketing/rewards ideas.
  • Explain each strategy and its related goal(s).
  • Discuss some of the tactics that could be used to implement the strategy with reasons for selecting each tactic.
  • Discuss at least three potential methods of measuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, with examples of the types of questions that might be explored if a conversation or survey were to be one of your options.
  • Develop one or more messages for initially attracting the target audience and then for maintaining a strong, mutually-beneficial relationship.

Cite at least six scholarly references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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