Name of Organization to use: Home Depot
complete the following elements of your Sustainable Solutions Paper by applying the following traditional strategic thinking tools: Organizational Strategy Type Analysis and an Action Plan Analysis.
A brief description of each element follows:
Organizational Strategy Type Analysis
Identify your chosen organization’s strategy type (i.e. customer-relations strategy, differentiation strategy, low-cost strategy). Explain whether you think your company should be following that strategy and why.
Action Plan Analysis
Create an Action Plan for your organization. Identify the actions you think the organization should take to implement the strategy you selected in your Organizational Strategy Type Analysis. Include a time line with specific milestones for implementing each action (for example, 1-year milestone, 5-year milestone, etc.) and performance measurements to indicate the successful implementation of the plan.
All analyses in this section of the paper must be supported by concrete evidence and draw on previous analyses. Your paper should include proper APA citations and adhere to all guidelines of APA style.
Your submission should include the following (with exact sections/headers per the SSP Template):
- Introduction (at beginning of SSP after cover page)
- Executive Summary (completed for Week 7—leave blank for Week 4)
- Stakeholder Identification and Value Analysis
- General Force Analysis
- Porter’s Five Forces Industry Analysis
- Value Chain & Relative Core Competency and Resource Analysis
- Detailed SWOT Analysis
- Analyzing the Company Strategy Type
- Action Plan Analysis
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