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Marketing Homework

One way to determine the performance of a Web site or specific page is to create a goal within a Google Analytics account. A goal is a page on your Web site that is considered to be a conversion. This can include a thank you page or a purchase confirmation page. Use the Internet to research analytics goals.

For the client you selected for your project, complete the following:

  • Create a goal in a Google Analytics account.

Once you have created the goal, develop a 4 – 6 page report that includes the following:

  • An explanation of why you created the specific goal.
  • An analysis of the impact that the information which is generated in the form of reports will have on the client.
  • An explanation of what you have determined is the impact on decision-


In this phase of the project, you will examine the reports generated by Google Analytics Web analytics service, and then develop a report on the redesign of the client’s Web site or of a page of the client’s Web site.

This is a two part assignment. Each section can be combined into a single document that can be submitted.


In a 3 – 4 page paper, address the following:

Part One: (3 – 4 page paper)

  • Define the goal of the redesign.
    • For example, you may define generation of more leads, reduction of the bounce rate, or increasing the conversion rate as a goal for the redesign.
  • Based on the data available through Google Analytics Web analytics service, recommend metrics that should be considered by the client for the redesign.
  • Recommend a minimum of five corresponding changes for the client’s Web site or a specific Web page of the client’s Web site.
  • Support your statements with appropriate examples and references.

Part Two: (1 – 3 page paper)

Google Analytics Web analytics service allows users to create various reporting structures based on the data that they are looking for.

Choose four reports generated by Google Analytics Web analytics service. Using the readings for this week, the Google Analytics website, and the Internet to address the following in a 1 – 3 page paper:

  • Explain why you chose to utilize the selected reports.
  • Examine the benefits and drawbacks of the selected reports.
  • Develop a scenario illustrating the opportunities and drawbacks of how each of the selected reports might impact current performance of the web site.
  • Provide potential edits to the selected reports
  • Provide appropriate examples and scholarly references that substantiate the benefits and drawbacks that you listed for these reports.

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