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Contemporary Business Law

Class what is superseding cause and why is it important?

Class what is product liability? Have you heard of any recent product liability issues in the news.

Wurtzel bought a cup of coffee in her local Starbucks and placed it in her car’s cup holder. Shortly after leaving the store and when making a turn, the lid came off the coffee and the liquid spilled over Wurtzel’s right leg burning her severely. Wurtzel never looked to see if the lid was on correctly and did not see the coffee spill or the clerk secure the lid to the cup. She sued Starbucks for negligence, invoking the doctrine of res ipsa loquitor. Is Startbucks negligent under the doctrine of Res Ipsa Loquitur?

Class what are the elements of negligence? How does the strict liability doctrine apply to the practice of accounting? Provide examples.

Hello Class please visit the following website and see the top 10 most famous trademark dispute cases. These cases are very interesting and you will recognize some famous companies. Please review and post your comment on the dispute(s) that you find most interesting.

What is the source of trademark law? Is it based solely on state law or federal law? Why is this important?

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