Study Level:School
Page Count:10
Number of sources:7
Topic:Air pollution
Order Number:7176
Details:This is the steps of my research how it should be. 1 # The
research paper is an argument essay . The research have to be
different from 3 types ; more than 7 sources from websites , 1 from a
book , and 1 from a newspaper or journal. 2# The outline of the
research paper : Introduction : a. Background about air pollution b.
Definition c. hook d. The causes of air pollution e. Thesis. The
thesis is ;( air pollution causes a lot of effects such as global
warming, health effects, and effects on animals and plants) . 2/ body
: A. The first body about global warming • background about global
worming • cause of global worming • effects of global worming B.
The second body about human health effects • Background about human
health effect of air pollution • Birth defects • Some chronic
diseases like asthma and cancer C. The third body about Animals and
plants effects • Food chain • Air pollution can cause one part of
this chain to die • If one of the chain die everything will die .
for example; if there is the plant and the plants dies so an animal
will die , and the animal that eats that animal will die ( extinction
of species of animals and plants) . 3/ conclusion : • Summary •
Restatement • Solution of air pollution in general.
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