Study Level:College
Page Count:5
Number of sources2
Deadline: Jan 28, 8 am
Topic: Internet security
Order Number:51962
Details:The PowerPoint file can also be found at this link: Review the Security, Netiquette, Privacy and Ethics Lecture Notes (PDF) presentation here in Snap; and write a paper of at least two pages that summarizes four (4) security threats and four (4) methods to prevent security threats. The PowerPoint file can also be found at this link: Grading: Inclusion of four (4) security threats (paragraph form) (12 points) Inclusion of four (4) prevention methods (paragraph form) (12 points) Use double-spacing in the document. (2 points) Use correct font style. (1 point) Use of ruler bar to indent all paragraphs 0.5 inches. (2 points) Follow APA guidelines, and add a running header on each page. (The running header contains the title of the paper and page number. See APA Guidelines link below.) (3 points) Per APA Guidelines, add a Title Page to the beginning of your paper. (The title page contains the title of your page, your name, and your college name centered vertically and horizontally on the page. The title page also has the running header.). (3 points) Integrate and cite external resources, and include at least three online references you find on your own in the paper. List them on a References page at the end of the document in APA format . (5 points) Proofread your document for any spelling mistakes. (5 points) Click here for APA Guidelines APA Online Citations APA Citations #2 APA References Page Example The PowerPoint file can also be found at this link:

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