Study Level:Master
Page Count:6
Number of sources:6
Deadline: 15, 4 pm
Topic:Weapons of Mass Destruction: Hazards and Responses
Order Number:42071
Details:Your last writing assignment is a compilation of your thoughts on Preston’s book, your evaluation of the CDC and USAMRIID, and the two more evaluations you conducted of the movie Contagion. Through your analysis of past responses to biological threats, and the potential of a highly contagious and lethal pandemic as depicted in the movie, you will develop a proposed standardized response protocol for your community should such a pandemic occur. Apply the NIMS/ICS concepts and National Response Framework as it currently exists in your evaluation of the response protocol that you develop for your community. So what does the above mean? It means that you have three parts to include in the paper. First, what The Hot Zone and Contagion did in opening your eyes to the threats posed by pandemics with high mortality rates and vulnerability of the U.S. to such outbreaks. Second, should such a problem actually happen, what standardized protocols would you recommend for your community? Be specific – not general. I mean really specific, all the way down to how you are going to get fuel to medical supply delivery vehicles. Think back to the first thing you read in the class, and how NIMS/ICS functions and how you are going to apply that within your community. Third, the reasons you take the steps that you take. This writing assignment counts for 25% of your grade. This assignment is expected to be as long as you have to make it to effectively express your position. Remember that I only have two days to read all the submitted papers before the semester ends – so there won’t be any time for any corrections to your papers. Formal academic writing uses standardized styles and citation formats. The two sources below can count towards the “number of sources” that are required. Preston, Richard. The Hot Zone: A Terrifying True Story, 1999, Anchor, ISBN-10: 0385495226; ISBN-13: 978-0385495226. Available on Kindle: ASIN B007DCU4IQ. Contagion, Warner Home Video (2012), DVD, ASIN B0069UP2PI This paper needs to be six (6) pages long plus the cover page and the reference page.
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