Scenario As a recent graduate trainee employee, you have been
requested by your line manager to carry out a research to produce a
paper to be used as part of mandatory induction training for new
employees. In the first part of the research paper you are requested to
explain the theories that underpin health and social care.In the first
part of your research paper you might want to explain theories on human
growth and development (Erikson , Freud, etc), managing loss and change,
managing stress and behaviour and use “examples” from own workplace in
the context of health and social care. Explanations for the
characteristics and circumstances of individuals: theories of human
growth and development; managing loss and change; managing stress and
behaviour. In the second part of your research paper, analyse with
examples,the impact of social processes, e.g . poverty, unemployment,
social exclusion, marginalisation etc in health and social care in a
diverse society. Social processes: leading to marginalisation, isolation
and exclusion eg poverty, unemployment, poor health, disablement, lack
of education and other sources of disadvantage; their impact on the
demand for health and social care services. Finally, in your research
paper, evaluate the effectiveness of inter professional working. You are
expected to give examples from experiences from own workplace to show
the effectiveness of inter-professional working. Nature of health and
social care services in a diverse society: concepts eg prejudice,
inter-personal, institutional and structural discrimination, empowerment
and anti-discriminatory practices. Inter-professional working:
significance of partnership working eg social care, education, housing,
health, income maintenance and criminal justice services. I need UK
references and please number the answers according to the questions. I
need 275 words for each questions

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