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Plan of care

You need to create a ‘plan of care’ that will help prevent certain problems from occurring. The ‘plan of care’ will be for the women in the below case study.


You are working the morning shift at a small rural hospital. The following handover is in regards to one of your patients – Mrs Rosetta Naygel
Mrs Rosetta Naygel is an 85 year old female. She was admitted overnight due to a worsening chest infection.
Baseline Observations on admission (0130hrs): BP 145/95mmHg, HR 125 beats/min, Temp 38.7, RR 28 breaths/min
Most Current Observations ( 0600hrs): BP 140/95mmHg, HR 98bpm, Temp 37.8, RR 24bpm, Ht 175cm, Wt 62kg
Background Information

Mrs Naygel had a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) 2 years ago and has severe left sided weakness. She has resided at the ‘Waterview Nursing Home’ ever since. She uses a

wheelchair to mobilise and needs assistance with transferring and with her ADL’s.
Her husband moved into the nursing home with her, however he died 2 months ago. She has two children who live interstate.
Mrs Naygel maintains involvement in all the activities within the nursing home and especially enjoys singing and playing cards.
Mrs Naygel is of a Jewish background.


You need to create a preventative ‘plan of care’ for Mrs Naygel and demonstrate that this care is based on ‘best practice’. This needs to be in a table format

(template give below).

Firstly, based upon the above case study, choose ONE actual or potential problem (given below ) for EACH of the following ‘health domains’.

Health Domains:
Physical – (Risk of DVT, risk of pressure area sores, or risk of pneumonia)
Psychological – (Stress due to possible end of life, or grief due to her husband’s death)
Social – (Restricted ability to conduct her Instrumental ADL’s, or missing her regular activities/ interactions within the nursing home)
Cultural – (She can only eat food which is kosher, or she may not be able to practice her regular Shabbat rituals due to being in hospital).
Spiritual – (Due to her illness she may feel that she needs a religious guide, or she may feel disconnected from her religion due to being in hospital).

Next, you will need to place these actual or potential problems into the given template into the appropriate sections.

Now, you can create your ‘Plan of Care’ and fill in the sections with well researched information. You should address the following in each section:

The Actual/Potential Problem. State the potential or actual problem and discuss the reasons why this is a potential or actual problem.
Nursing Interventions/Care. What care will you implement to prevent the potential or actual problem from occurring, this needs to be based on best practice and be

supported with evidence.
Evaluation/Re-Assessment. Outline how you will tell if your nursing interventions were successful – think about the signs and symptoms of the actual or potential


This assignment needs to be presented in a table format. i will upload a template in “additional material”

This assignment must be evidence based and include a minimum of 10 current and credible references, including a mix of textbooks and peer reviewed journals. Please

note that you will be expected to reference in ALL sections, not just the ‘Nursing Intervention/ Care’ section.

This assignment has a word count of 2000 words, this is approximately 350- 400 words per domain.

You should use only ONE page per domain, and each domain should have a new page.

Please note, use Australian English a

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