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Preventing Workplace Violence
Paper details:
Nursing Unit Challenge Project: Topic preventing workplace Violence in a Psychiatric hospital. In this assignment, preventing workplace Violence in a Psychiatric hospital. You will be charged with creatively addressing a challenge in an ideal practice environment which can then be applied across different types of nursing units and settings. The goals are to think through a common nursing unit challenge and determine the best evidence-based practices for addressing this challenge on the “ideal” nursing unit.
Prepare and present a maximum of 10-15 PowerPoint slides to the class. The presentation should be in a multimedia format. Acceptable media include (but are not limited to) PowerPoint, video, Prezi, Slide Share, Voice Thread, and the like.
Slides must be easy to interpret and tell a story. Each part should be addressed as follows:
• Problem/Issue Statement
• Practice environment
• Highlights of background information
• Describe priority or key issues for deliberation or consideration
• One to three slides for each article addressing this challenge.
• Recommendations for best practices on a nursing unit from the articles
• Conclusions drawn from the state of current evidence in the nursing literature
• Pose additional questions for consideration and areas where further research is needed
• References should follow the last slide and are not included in the 10-15 slide limit
Presentation Expectations:
• The PowerPoint must be free of mistakes in grammar and spelling.
• It should look like a cohesive presentation, not as if different parts were just thrown together.
• Bullet points should be used on the PowerPoint slides, not complete sentences/paragraphs.

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