Term Paper Guidelines “Nursing Practice Today”
This 3-5 page assignment is meant to familiarize the student nurse with the challenges facing nurses in today’s world of healthcare. This assignment is an exploration by the student into an area of interest that is shaping current nursing practice. Some topic examples may include: standardized nursing policies, compliance, value based care, legal and/or ethical challenges, or nursing research and how research drives practice. The following aspects of the assignment will guide students in preparation for writing a paper.
1. Choose a topic that is of interest to you as the student and that is also shaping nursing practice today. The topic must be approved by the instructor.
2. Discuss why this is an important issue and why it is important to be aware and familiar with current issues that shape nursing practice. Use research to support your answer.
3. Reflect on the opportunities and challenges as they relate to your chosen topic. Reflect on how this will shape you as a professional and delivery of care your patients. This may contain personal reflection but must also be supported by evidence (your references). Remember, this is not a “story” but a professional paper.
4. The paper must be in APA format.
Resources for your Paper
1. You must use a minimum of 3 resources.
2. One may be your textbook and/or website. All references/articles must be peer reviewed and originate from reliable sources.
3. Be thoughtful when choosing an article. Think critically – is this a good article or just someone’s opinion? You may find great articles on websites; just make sure they are published by a peer-review journal. Hint – notice that every article has references…hmmm.
Suggestions for writing a good paper:
Utilize library services. .
Other tips:
? Review information about scholarly writing, academic honestly, citations, plagiarism, etc.
? Avoid Citations primarily from pamphlets and/or non-governmental world wide web sites
? Avoid Tables and bullets (You need to write using full sentences and paragraphs)
? Use the grading criteria for guidelines and edit your paper to see whether it includes the following:
Introduction – Have you clearly explained the purpose of the paper?
Logical flow—Do the parts of the paper flow from one to the other? Do they tie together? Are there topic sentences and transition paragraphs? Did you summarize at the end of each major section and introduce the next section? Do not pose the question and then just answer.
Structure is easy to follow—Did you use headings and subheadings to organize the paper’s content?
Definitions provided—Did you define and discuss any of the major theories and/or concepts presented in your paper if necessary?
Summary/conclusion—Did you pull together all the parts of the paper in a succinct summary? Does your conclusion or summary correspond with what was presented in the paper?
Grading Ruburic
Subject 5 points
Topic Topic of significance to nursing and nursing practice
Understanding Strong evidence of understanding of the topic with analytical thinking and depth of ideas/insight
Research Use of research is evident. Minimum of three reliable resources. All resources peer-reviewed and reliable. ALL ideas supported by research.
Writing Academic writing. Precise meaning, appropriate level. Strong academic voice and topic development
Content Length 4-5 pages with main points clearly made
Intro Introduction clear and strong with an appropriate and complete statement that addresses entire paper
Flow Sections flow from one point to another seamlessly. Topic sentences are used & paragraph follows topic.
Summary Summaries are present at the end of major sections and the conclusion summary addresses all points made in the introduction
Clarity Clarity of expression is present. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
APA Maximum of 3 minor mistakes with APA.
A writer does not have to stick with my outline but if change needs to be made in order to write a better paper, please contact me through email first. Thank you.
My outline for the paper is following:
A. What is CAUTI?
B. Who is at risk?
C. Why is it important to be aware of CAUTI?
1. Burden of CAUTI
A. Types of CAUTI
1. Asymptomatic UTI
2. Symptomatic UTI
B. Signs and symptoms of CAUTI
1. Physical signs and symptoms
2. Urine cultures and lab values to detect CAUTI
A. Guidelines for CAUTI prevention
1. Avoid of catheter use
2. Selection of urinary catheter
3. Catheter insertion and maintenance
4. Monitoring infection
B. CAUTI bundle example
A. Outcomes of implementation of CAUTI bundle
B. Evaluation of CAUTI bundle in practice
1. Evidence of CAUTI bundle effectiveness
2. How did CAUTI bundle influence current nursing practice
A. Part summaries
B. Reflection
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