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Identify a new law or regulation that affects the practice of public health or community health nursing.

Community Health Nursing: New Regulations

Identify a new law or regulation that affects the practice of public health or community health nursing. Discover the sponsor of the action. Using news reports, statements in the public record, personal telephone or other interview data, outline the reasons for the introduction of the change. Share the information and your thoughts about your findings in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document.

Support your responses with examples.
Identified and described a new law or regulation that affects the practice of public health or community health nursing.
Identified and described the sponsor of a new law or regulation.
Analyzed and described the news reports, statements in the public record, personal telephone or other interview data collected from the sponsor.
Outlined and explained the reasons for the introduction of the change (law or regulation).
Summarized the impact the new law or regulation will have on consumers of healthcare.
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format.

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