tyle=”text-align: justify;”>Purpose: To evaluate a nursing theory consistent with your values, beliefs and nursing practice.
Course objective: Analyze the relationship between theory, practice and research.
1.Choose a middle range nursing theory which you believe resonates with your values, beliefs, and nursing practice, to analyze and consider for guiding
your nursing practice.
2.Write a two page paper following Parker and Smith’s guide for “Using Insights to Choose Theory” found on p. 27 in the text. Include in your discussion:
a.What nursing theory seems consistent with the values and beliefs that guide my practice?
b.What theories are consistent with my personal values and beliefs?
c.What do I hope to achieve from the use of nursing theory? 5’5
d.Given my reflection on a nursing situation, how can I use theory to support this description of my practice?
e.l-low can I use nursing theory to improve my practice for myself and for my patients? (Parker 8L Smith, 2010, p. 27)
3.This is a reflective assignment; however you will need to give supporting evidence for your statements.
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