Constructivism Evaluation
Constructivist theories are cognitive in nature, just as are cognitive information processing and social cognitive theory. In this theory though, the emphasis is on the learner’s construction of new knowledge with old knowledge. Learners extract information from their environment and combine it with their present knowledge and beliefs.
For this paper, you are asked to examine specific aspects of the theory and compare it to your previous three chapters. Your paper should be four to five pages in length, not counting your title page or references. Be sure to use examples from your readings and research to support your position throughout your paper. Papers should be double-spaced with a font size of 12 and follow APA style for citations, references, and overall format. Address the following in your paper:
- Summarize the major aspects of constructivism.
- Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of constructivism, in general.
- Apply constructivism to a practical situation in your specialization. Describe the situation, how the theory can be applied, and what the expected outcomes would be.
- Compare behaviorism, social cognitive theory, cognitive information processing, and constructivism.
- Write in a concise, balanced, and logically organized manner. Use grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of graduate-level composition, using the accepted form and style of the profession, including APA cited support and format.
Paper Requirements:
- Number of References: A paper of this length should include references. As a graduate student, you are responsible for determining the appropriate number of resources. The majority of them should be original research articles published in legitimate scientific journals. A few review or survey articles are also acceptable.
- Article Distinctions: Research articles present original research, review articles discuss research already presented elsewhere, and survey articles are comprehensive review articles that discuss an entire field or area of research. If these distinctions are unclear to you, investigate them using the resources in the Writing Feedback Tool or ask your instructor for help. References to books are acceptable, but they should be kept to a minimum—probably no more than five.
- APA Style: You must use proper APA style to cite and list your references. Refer to the Capella Online Writing Center’s APA Style and Formatting guidelines for more information.
- Format:Use the following structure to organize your paper:
- Cover page (your name, your specialization or program, title and course number, current quarter and year, instructor’s name).
- Optional: Abstract.
- Body of paper, including headings and subheadings over the appropriate content.
- Reference list.
- Refer to the APA Style and Formatting guidelines for additional formatting information.
- Style: Write in the third person as an impartial narrator. Avoid the use of I, we, or you. In particular, avoid phrases like “I think” in favor of phrases like “the evidence suggests” or “research indicates.” In science, personal opinion carries no weight unless it is supported by a combination of empirical research and statistical or logical-mathematical inference.
- Other Notes: Avoid long-quoted passages from your source texts. Your paper should be a synthesis of your own ideas, in your own words—even if your ideas refer to the original ideas of others, in which case the references should be explicit. A paper at the graduate level should be scholarly and more than a mere summary. It should present a unique thesis or at least a significant nontrivial point that you are trying to make, adding appreciably to what is already known of your topic. Your point or thesis will stand or fall solely on its strength—that is, the quality and quantity of the evidence you present.
Review the Constructivism Evaluation Scoring Guide for the grading criteria of this assignment. You can use the resources available with this assignment to help you with your writing, including Smarthinking, the free tutorial, and writing review service. You can use Smarthinking to get feedback on your writing before submitting it to your instructor for a grade.
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