Watch one of the following movies:
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Peaceful Warrior (2006)
Rain Man (1988)
Girl Interrupted
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Using the main characters in the movie you chose, answer the following questions:
Identify the movie you are using to incorperate examples in your answer
Define cognition and provide a description of the cognitive processes.
What is the relationship between cognition and personality development?
Explain how biological and environmental factors can shape our cognitive processes.
How do parents influence a child’s personality according to each theory: evolutionary, biological/genetic, and behavioral?
How does self-efficacy relate to personality?
What “nature” and “nurture” factors contribute to one’s self-efficacy?
Apply APA formatting and citations. The total amount of pages should be at least 4 pages NOT including Title page and Reference page
Include an introduction and conclusion. Make sure you are using Friedman, Howard S., Schustack, M. W. (2013). Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research as one of your references as well as 3 additional outside resources.
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