Focusing on the brighter side of life, while not bad advice, does not account for the numerous biochemical malfunctions that prevent those with depression from doing just that. The impact of depression extends beyond disrupting work and personal relationships. It also can influence the development of a whole bounty of serious illnesses. Stress, depression, and the persistent immune response of inflammation can influence the development of chronic and autoimmune illnesses that permanently alter the direction of a person’s life. With stakes as high as these, the manner in which stress and depression manifests in the body to impact the immune system cannot be underestimated.
For this Application Assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources including the Chronic Disease and Autoimmune Disease sections of the “Stress, The Immune System, Chronic Illness, and Your Body” handout. Then select an illness that has a high co-occurrence with depression. Finally, consider teaching strategies that may reduce the effects of the stress related-illness
4 pages ApA with reference
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