Healing Hands Hospital is a large medical center located in a similar area to another Catholic acute-care community hospital. Both facilities are very resourceful to the communities they serve; however, their business and fundamental practices are different. Healing Hands’ vice president of operation is creating a new strategy and would like to understand the fundamental practices of the Catholic acute-care community hospital.
You have been asked to research the differences between the services that your organization offers and those that the Catholic acute-care hospital offers. For the purposes of this assignment, select 2 hospitals on the Web that are in the same city or area. They should both be acute-care community hospitals of similar bed sizes, but 1 should be managed by a religious order. Review the Web information on these facilities.
Describe the similarities and differences of these organizations in terms of the following:
- Mission
- Goals
- Objectives
- Management structure
- Staffing
- Policies
- Procedures
Include 2–3 outside sources, and be sure to document your references using APA format.
This is a power point presentation. Needs to look professional and have refernces using apa format and in text citations no plagerism
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