NUR 588 Week 5 Individual Paper on Curriculum Development
Developing and Evaluating Educational Programs – Role of the Educator in the Community
University of Phoenix
Develop a lesson plan for an education program that is intended for the particular target audience you identified in your Week 2 Needs Assessment.
Note that your lesson plan for this assignment should look like a syllabus outline with paragraphs interspersed that discuss the rationale and evidence to support your work.
Include all elements in the Grading Rubric in the Word Document provided.
Rubric Week 5
Curriculum Development Paper
Resources: Teaching in Nursing and Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators
Develop a 1,750 to 2,100-word lesson plan for an education program that is intended for a particular target audience.
Include the following:
- A summary of the identification of the educational need and your rationale based on Week 2 Analysis of Learning Need
- State one overarching goal for the educational plan that includes a statement of learner outcomes. Evidenced rationale must be provided for both
- List 3-5 Learning objectives derived from the broad goal statement(s) and then a paragraph that discusses resources and strategies that will be needed to prepare YOU to create the lesson (e.g. type of bibliography, policies, etc)
Discussion of an appropriate instructional design model, learner characteristics, and the learning theory used to develop the plan
- Completion of a content outline reflecting relevant information in the order in which you will present it to your audience
- Provides at least 2 Instructional methods to be used for delivery of the content with rationale.
- Provides at least 3 types of Instructional materials to be used, such as articles, videos, or handouts to deliver the content accompanied by the rationale for them.
- Analysis of evaluation methods for each objective (how you will know the learning objectives are met)
Presents material in a format that is consistent with a syllabus students would easily understand
Sentence and Paragraph transitions add to the outlines and do NOT duplicate information in the bullets
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines, as well as grammar and spelling rules.
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