Analyze the interpersonal skills used in a healthcare situation.
4–6 pages; excluding any title page, references, appendices, etc.
Possible Points
Identify four interpersonal skills for patient/colleague interaction. 0–25
Demonstrate how the skills affected the situation 0–25
Analyze how skills use affects the art and science of healthcare practice 0–25
Write a testable hypothesis, identify an appropriate experimental control group, and create a workable experimental design to solve a problem. 0–25
Part 1: Dramatize a professional, interpersonal experience to illustrate four points regarding interpersonal skills. An actual or hypothetical situation may be used as an example. Any actual situation should be presented as a hypothetical one, with any names and other identifying information changed to protect anonymity. Identify, how the skills used either positively or negatively contributed to the situation, if the situation is with a patient or a colleague, the various interpersonal skills used, and how the skills might have been improved and/or anticipated results of the improvement, to contribute to both the art and science of healthcare practice.
Part 2: Write a testable hypothesis, identify an appropriate experimental control group, and create an experimental design to solve a problem. Identify one specific interpersonal skill problem related to health care (examples: language barriers between clinicians and patients, cultural differences). Suppose you wanted to design a scientific study to investigate this problem. Identify the following components of the study: hypothesis, control group, and experimental design. Discuss the obstacles that might exist to using a scientific approach in this kind of investigation.
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