Assignment Overview
In order to understand the challenges that other photographers addressed as well as their stylistic choices, it is useful to re-create a historical image in order to experience to some extent the experience of the photographer.
Assignment Description
Review the Final Project Overview in Week 1 for more information on each week’s project.
Master Image Reinterpretation and Re-Creation
In this assignment, you will review the Creative Briefs that you have created in earlier weeks and select one master image to reinterpret with your own camera. Review your research and continue to look for more information to deepen your knowledge of the photographer and the image. Look closely at the subject matter, stylistic choices, lighting, background, photographic process, and technology used by the master photographer. What message is he or she trying to convey through the image you chose? Now, reinterpret the image using contemporary materials and re-create the master photograph paying attention to all the details you studied. Try to mimic the subject matter, lighting, setting, and aesthetics as closely as possible. You may use film or digital media, scanned and recombined artwork, Lightroom presets, Photoshop filters, and even Instagram to create your final piece. Create a full-page PDF of your final image.
Once you have completed the image, analyze the process you went through as well as the final image by writing a 250-word essay. What connections with contemporary photography did you find, and what challenges did you face when trying to re-create the master work? Did re-creating the work provide you with any creative insight into your own photographs?
Assignment Step-by-Step Instructions
- Choose one of the previously developed creative briefs from the past modules as a source to actually reinterpret and re-create the photograph.
- Analyze your creative brief, add more detail, and formulate a plan to re-create the master work. Look closely at the subject matter, background, lighting of the piece, and the process used.
- Create a photograph that reinterprets and re-creates the master photograph, edit and reshoot if necessary, and add your image to the slideshow.
- Create a full-page PDF with your final image and include a second page of the original master photograph (total 2 pages).
- Write a 250-word essay describing the connections you see between the master photographer’s work and contemporary photographic aesthetics; share the challenges you experienced in the process as well as any creative insights derived from the process. Cite your sources. Convert the essay into PDF format.
- Finally, combine the PDF of the images and your essay into one PDF
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