This exam covers the moral theories of Mill’s utilitarianism, Kant’s deontology, and Aristotle’s virtue ethics. No other moral theories are permitted on this exam. The exam contains three moral dilemmas, each of which must be solved using a different moral theory. Be sure to cite your sources.
Solve each of the following dilemmas using one of the following theories: Mill’s utilitarianism, Kant’s deontology, or Aristotle’s virtue ethics. Explain the different aspects of the theory you are using, and clearly show how that theory prescribes a certain action for the person involved in the dilemma. Be as thorough and complete as possible. Remember, this is not a test of your opinion; it is a test of correct application of moral theories. You must give a precise answer to the bolded questions at the end of each passage. Once you have used a moral theory, you cannot use it again. By the end of the exam, you should have used all three theories once. For example, if you use utilitarianism to solve the first dilemma, you must use either deontology or virtue ethics to solve the second dilemma, and the remaining theory to solve the last dilemma. There is NO “correct” theory to use for a particular dilemma; that decision is entirely up to you. You may find it easier to use a particular theory for a particular dilemma, and if so, do so. You DO NOT need to explain why you have chosen to use that particular theory. Good luck!
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