The Importance of Multiculturalism
1.Use this Discussion to practice for the Assignment.
Why is understanding the ethnicity, customs, way of life, traditions, and mores of a specific society (multiculturalism) important to today’s health and wellness professional? Initial Discussion responses should be around 150 words.
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2.Patient Information and Community Resources
It is important to keep a list of community referral resources in your medical office. Research and list three community referral resources in your area (resources such as support groups, education, interpreter services, therapy, community health and social services, financial resources, etc.). Provide as much information as you can find (name, address, phone, website, contact, hours of service, etc.). Choose one and discuss the value that this service provides to your patients.
Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson materials and seminars. Initial Discussion responses should be around 100 words.
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