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Environmental Toxicology and Human Health

Environmental toxicology examines how environmental exposures to chemical pollutants may present risks to biological organisms, particularly animals, birds, and fishes. Exposure to a physical, chemical, or biological agent may arise from a number of environmental sources, including the workplace, the home, and the medications and foods that we consume. On the list of hazardous chemicals and other agents that impact human reproduction negatively are pesticides, drugs, and heavy metals.

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on the following topics:

  • Physical Agents
  • Chemical Agents
  • Biological Agents

On the basis of your research and understanding of the topic, answer the following questions:

  • Identify and describe five factors that affect responses to a toxic chemical.
  • What determines the toxicity of a chemical? To what extent do you agree with the assumption that “all substances are poisons”?
  • What is human exposure assessment? Explain some of the methods of exposure assessment.
  • Why is epidemiology important to research studies of environmental health? Give reasoning to support your answer.
  • What are some of the important limitations of the epidemiologic approach with respect to the study of environmental health problems?

Create a 3- -page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the above questions.

Support your responses with reasoning and examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

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