Study Level:College
Page Count:5
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Deadline:sat, feb 20, 7 pm
Topic:“It isn’t enough for a multinational corporation to be socially responsible; they must be a triple bottom line company to meet their ethical obligations.†Citation:APA
Order Number:8936
Details:“It isn’t enough for a multinational corporation to be socialWrite a persuasive essay in response to the theme: “It isn’t enough for a multinational corporation to be socially responsible; they must be a triple bottom line company to meet their ethical obligations.†Required Elements of Assignment #2 – Persuasive Essay: Write a persuasive essay either supporting or denying (agreeing or disagreeing) the veracity of the theme statement above. Submit to Assignment Folder. Terms: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Paper must include the following sections and you must use these subheadings: Introduction – 1-2 paragraphs Differences between CSR and TBL. About 4 paragraphs This section should be written very clearly and in depth as if you the reader has never heard of the terms/concepts of CSR and TBL. Persuasive Discussion. Persuasive discussion/arguments agreement or disagreeing with the theme statement – about 6-8 paragraphs Also, include in discussion in this section: Explanation of distributive justice Discussion of the current distribution of wealth and how it relates to CSR and TBL ethical obligations Discussion of how the current distribution of wealth relates to specifically to agreement or disagreement with the theme statement Again, write as if the reader knows nothing about these concepts and issues. Conclusion – 1-2 paragraphs References – use APA format Additional Requirements: Include extensive in text citations in APA format. Use a minimum of 4 outside resources. Resources may be taken from the class materials or substantive sources such as academic journal articles, major metropolitan newspapers, i.e, NY Times, The Wall Street Journal, etc., business/economics /philosophy/ethics periodicals, such as The Economist, Forbes, etc. Write in the third person. Do not use personal pronouns or phrases such as, “I think†, “I feel†, “I believe†, etc. Paraphrase from resources. Do not use directquotes in this paper, please. Points will be deducted for direct quotes. Submit to Assignment Folder Required Formatting of Persuasive Essay: Double-space, 12-point font, and 4-6 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page; Title page to include assignment title, student name APA formatting for in-text citations and References ly responsible; they must be a triple bottom line company to meet their ethical obligations.â€
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