Aqeel R Alnemer
Mr. copley
Social Media Impact to Young Generation
In this decade social media use has gained high level of usage. Organizations and institutions have shifted from the formal way of communication and connected social media as way of communication because its simplicity. However, with all the applicability of social media in the current generation it has emerged as a tool to destruction for many young people. MySpace Facebook and Twitter are among many social sites that people choose to keep their communication through. Children and young people are using low language, engage in sex, immoral behaviors. Therefore, although social media has its benefits of cross border and regional connectivity of individuals, its impact on young generation morality cannot be overlooked. Social media has caused deaths and social mistrusts among many individuals and businesses.
First, social media has been used in spread of movies, audios and pictures that have negative impact to the viewers and especially generation. Lack of censure of the information through the social medial channels allows for any kind of information to pass to different recipients. Young people are the majority of the modern technology participants. Such information may have unaccepted behaviors such as sexually oriented materials, hate speech especially in situation where racial profiling is common, and cyber harass due to the possibility of hiding the identity of the social media participants. Information is known for its ability to change mind set and especially for young people who have not yet developed principles and therefore the information available to such people will be the information they will use to establish their life principles. Therefore sexual, improper communication and violence will be the most common principles that young people affected by these vices will be in their future life. Therefore, the future generation will fancy such vices which have a negative impact to the society in large. For most young people differentiating fantasy from reality has been a great issue. They are exposed to violence in the media which in most cases is a fantasy instead of the reality. Therefore young people believe in the violence spread by the media and they practice such violent acts amongst themselves. They also try the sexual behaviors they witness in the media which in most cases is very risk for young generation. Abortions due to unwanted pregnancies due to uncontrolled sexual behaviors as depicted by the media are become normal with the current generation (Clark 43).
Secondly, people and especially young people may not be aware of the privacy and confidentiality their personal data might be. Implication of sharing such information on social media of daring since most of social media sites do not have security policies. Therefore most young people might disclose confidential on the social sites causing distress after their identity and is exposed on the wrong way. One way that has been on the rise is sharing of personal pictures for people in compromising situations. Leaking of such information may greatly affect the social life of people due to traumatization as information on some situations in their lives they would not love exposed gets exposed. Sharing of information and especially intimate information has resulted to a lot of family breakups. Organizations using social media to promote businesses may be greatly affected in case confidential information relating to their organizations leak to the social media as it takes a very short time to spread such information to large populations. For instance, health information is confidential and exposure of health information regarding a person in social may result to stigmatization. Young people are the majority of the prey of privacy issues in social media as they do not understand such issues in depth. Therefore social media rise in the current generation has compromised the privacy and confidentiality of personal data contained in most human rights issues in most countries (Clemmit 4).
Thirdly, social media has affected interpersonal communication. Young people have opted to specialize in communication social media while face to face communication is being phased out at an alarming rate. Simplicity of communication and the ability to connect with people and friends at far distances using the social media channels has eased the need to travel and visit friends and relatives as they are in constant communication through social media. Face to face communication has its etiquette and courtesy necessary for good relations and therefore lack of interpersonal interaction due emergence of social media has impacted the etiquette and resulted to poor personal relations (Lyons 5). In the current generation, even young people find their partners through the internet. The beauty of dating is fading with the current preferring to exchange all their love affairs through the media rather than meeting for such sensitive communication.
Most relationships have not worked because communication through the media cannot expose the exact character of individuals and therefore they realize that their characters are not compatible upon marriage after meeting through the media. Social media communication limits people from learning to tolerate others as it is common with interpersonal communication where people can learn how to solve problems among them. Problem solving is an art that can only be attained through interpersonal interaction and the modern generation will missed it to social media obsession.
Personality of most people has been affected by social media. Most young people and students spend most of their time in social media sites and therefore affecting their study time as well as the way they relate with their fellow students. Movies and internet is part of the students and therefore the old way of study is gone. Simplicity in their studies through the media has affected their reading ability and therefore and books in schools and reading culture the former generation has change. Their lives are surrounded by the people they interact with through the media and especially celebrities most of whom their personalities are questionable. They adore such people and follow up their activities and behaviors in their social media settings. They built their personality surrounding such celebrity individuals and therefore their potentials are limited to the achievement of their role models. In most cases, young people personality collide with the expectation the community has on them as most of their personality is borrowed and may not suit their cultural values expected to shape their personalities. Research shows that student who spend most of their time in media perform poorly as compared to those that do not fancy media. Poor performance in school affects self-esteem level of the students and therefore it may results to depression and other social disorders such as withdrawal (Moore 10). In addition, the number of people following an individual may be used by most young people to mean how influential or accepted they are among their peers. Less following therefore may affect the confidence of such individuals which in turn affect how they value themselves.
Fourth, social media has resulted to death of innocent young people in many parts of the world. Due no naivety of most young people, they have indulged in relationships with unknown people. The relationships grow and they even plan to meet with online friends at specified places. One mechanism the people use is impersonation. They have different profiles in the social sites different from their own personal life. They use attractive profiles which lure people to them. Upon meeting with personally, research shows that most people place demands on their friend which if not met results to commission and sometimes deaths. Most young girls have found themselves in the hands of rapists and murders in disguise of lovers, hence terminating their lives in uncertain conditions (SPENCER, 1). Exposure of sexual relations with unknown people has been on the rise as people are supposed to give money as ransom to avoid being exposed. These cases have resulted as people can communicate and interact with unknown people through the social media channels where they get promises for property if they comply with their requests.
In conclusion, although social media is an important tool that people can use to connect as well as convey messages to their peers in distant places, it can be a dangerous tool for destruction to the young generation. Violence, sexual behaviors, improper languages, lack of interpersonal communication ability, lack of problem solving capacity, deaths, lack of privacy and lack of personal development are some of the major impacts media can have to the youths in the current generation. They are vices that affects humanity and therefore impact on the life-long behavior of the affected individuals.
Work Cited
Clark, C. S. (1995). Sex, Violence and the Media. CQ Resercher, Vol 5 Issues 43. Retrieved from
Clemmit, M. (2013). Social Media Explosion. Do social networking sites threaten privacy rights?, Volume 23, Issue 4. Retrieved from
Lyons, C. L. (2014, Feb 14). Media Violence. Retrieved from Do children have too much access to violent content?:
Moore, J. (2010, December 21). Has social media affected your personality? Retrieved from USA Today.
SPENCER, H. (2016, Feb 1). Concerns Over Social Media Link to Virginia Girl’s Killing. Retrieved from The New York Times:
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